Beefs & Bouquets, May 31


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Beefs & Bouquets, May 31

Beef: The city talks about climate change but have they considered a ban on

Beef: The city talks about climate change but have they considered a ban on ‘vanity’ trucks in our urban environment? They serve no purpose for the average urbanite and they are dangerous.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail [email protected]

BOUQUET To the people who support each other during non-instruction aquafit. Without instructors, they still use pool time to exercise and encourage each other.

BEEF Trudeau has that delusion to save the world. Napoleon and other leaders in history suffered from delusions of grandeur. Here is exactly the same pattern.

BOUQUET To Volunteer Nanaimo for hosting a delicious lunch for members of volunteer groups in our city.

BEEF To the lab. I went in person to make an appointment for blood work and they said they could not do it, I had to either phone for an appointment, go online to do it, or go to another location. I went to the other branch which then made an appointment for me at the branch I visited originally. Unbelievable.

BOUQUET We are grateful to Mrs. Riches Restaurant for their great service every time we go, and their great wonton soup. Especially appreciative of how you serve our seniors’ dinner night.

BEEF To the gym users. You carry around buckets with sanitizing solution yet don't sanitize after you use the equipment. A man whose shorts were drenched in sweat got off the exercise bike without sanitizing. A sign is posted to wipe down equipment after use.

BOUQUET To Premier David Eby. What he actually did as attorney general was bravely address rampant drug, biker, and international crime money laundering that the B.C. Liberals had ignored for years, hence sanctioned.

BEEF To the community group that denies that children and youth groups are worth supporting, because they don't generate enough revenue. Did you reach adulthood without the support of your community?

BOUQUET To the lady who witnessed me get t-boned at the intersection of Millstone Avenue and Townsite Road in January. I was unable to speak to you at the time due to my injuries, but I wanted you to know because of you I was finally just found not at fault for this accident. Thank you for getting involved, it means more to me than you know.

BEEF To the cashier at the dollar store who was upset that an elderly woman was taking a moment to find her credit card and kept saying there's a line. Just remember, you will be old one day. And remember to breathe, and a smile would be nice, too.

BOUQUET To Sue O., the best landlady ever. With luck I will never have to move.

BEEF If you think your votes will make any difference, you are sadly mistaken. Politicians, for a millennium, have been placed into office. They’re little more than a figurehead to distract the general voters. It's about making corrupt business connections, shaking hands, slapping backs.

BOUQUET To the paramedics and firefighters who attended to me during my vehicle accident. The paramedics went above and beyond, even dropping my small dog off at my aunt's on the way to the hospital. The fire crew moved my truck out of the intersection and their report validated my story with ICBC. I can't thank all of you enough.

BEEF Here we go again, more pollution on our lamp posts with the plethora of little homemade signs that distract the driver from the road. This is litter. Stop it.

BOUQUET To the caregivers at Wexford Creek Seniors Community who gave my mother Jo exceptional and loving care as she hiked out of this life into the next Your love and devotion was phenomenal and I thank you for that.

BEEF To drivers turning their tires to turn when people are walking, the drivers shouldn't move because it would take one distracted driver to rear end them causing them to hit pedestrians crossing the street.

BOUQUET To the amazing nurses at NRGH, especially Matt in emergency and Jen S. in the overflow wing. Despite being under-staffed and over-worked, you took such good care of me. You are the best.

BEEF To the mean ladies in the hot tub at the aquatic centre who had the audacity to call our students ‘idiots’ while we had them out for a swimming program during the school day. Public facilities are not your private spa, and you should expect there to be people of all ages there.

BOUQUET To the editorial cartoon showing that the first robin of spring can't afford rent for its nest. A picture is worth a thousand words and this does speak volumes.

BEEF Why are so many vehicles allowed to have their rear number plate obscured by bike racks or other attachments? Has the law been changed?

BOUQUET To Mark's. A friend of mine collapsed, hitting her head, and became unresponsive. The staff provided immediate assistance and support and an ambulance arrived within minutes. Heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped and to the wonderful paramedics who assisted my friend in her transportation to hospital and with her assessment. My friend is doing well and we are very grateful.

BEEF To my mother's neighbour, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but dogs bark. Especially when I’ve seen you have your face pushed up to your glass taunting the dog and staring him down. Then have the bright idea to suggest a shock collar. If it bothers you so much to hear a dog bark every now and then through the daytime hours, maybe you should move to a park that doesn't allow dogs.

BOUQUET To the city staff and bylaw officers cleaning up the mess along Victoria between Esplanade and Prideaux. While their efforts provide only temporary relief, we applaud their efforts.

BEEF To organizations which offer expired food to those in need. That's not charity – that's an insult. Everyone deserves healthy food. End of story.

BOUQUET To Marie who paid for my purchase at London Drugs in the north end. My wallet was left in the car.

BEEF To the excavation contractors at my neighbours’ house who are walking across the street to use my garden as a toilet. It's been going on for a month now and the smell is so bad I can barely stand to be in that corner of my yard.

BOUQUET Thank you to Jane of the Moose Lodge. Her generosity and kindness is well-respected and appreciated by those who surround her. Thanks for everything.

BEEF The city talks about climate change but have they considered a ban on ‘vanity’ trucks in our urban environment? They serve no purpose for the average urbanite and they are dangerous. Some people need them for their work, but for those people we can issue permits after the owner has proven a need and has paid a heavy processing fee.

BOUQUET I would like to thank everyone for your support, condolences and hugs. From Pharmasave, Country Grocer, Rona, Buckerfield's, Rexall, after the loss of my daughter. Your thoughtfulness and kindness meant a lot to me.

BEEF To the people in the Departure Bay area who play loud jazz music endlessly. Not everyone is a fan of this genre. The noise can be heard inside our houses with the windows closed. Please soundproof your room or turn down the volume.

BOUQUET To Joel G. and Margot H., winners of this year's City of Nanaimo Culture Awards.

BEEF To the new renters on my block. We know that you are only renting the million-dollar home, but some of us have actually paid for and are paying for our homes. Parking your beat-up trailer on the front lawn shows disrespect for the entire neighbourhood. This is not a lawn ornament. Move it into your driveway, please.

BOUQUET To the City of Nanaimo for lowering all city flags – including the Bastion's – to half mast to mark the death of 150 miners in the explosion in No. 1 mine Esplanade on May 3, 1887.

BEEF To the lady in the Hyundai SUV at Jingle Pot and Westwood sitting at the intersection on your phone, all the cars in font of you long gone, but when I honk, you flip me the bird out your sunroof? I hope the next person you do that to is a police officer in an unmarked car.

BOUQUET To Karthik who helped me go over to Gabriola and bring back a piece of furniture and who didn't fuss when we waited more than an hour for the return ferry.

BEEF Metral Drive has a paved bicycle lane and a cemented pedestrian walkway. The bicycle lane has the same rules of the road as a street or highway does. The slower traffic keeps to the right side of the pavement and anybody passing, passes on the left – not on the cement walkway, that is for pedestrians.

BOUQUET To those in our community who generously give their time and energy to ensure that our children and youths have the coaches, leadership, and opportunities to participate in their chosen activities. We may not say it often, but we appreciate you.

BEEF To the fast food restaurants that automatically ask for a tip when using a card machine. The employees don't even get the money. If I want to tip, it's always cash in the employees’ hand.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail [email protected].

Beefs and bouquets

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